
In some cases you might have a resource that has more than one sequence. For instance it may be disputed which order the pages of a manuscript ought to be in and the manifest might want to express two possible orderings.

Even if there is only one image like in our case we still use the sequences property for it and only include one sequence. In many cases like a newspaper or book with pages numbers you would only have a single sequence listed.

JSON Lists

So far all of our values have been strings. The value of some properties in IIIF can be a list. The way to represent these lists in JSON is with square brackets "[]" for an array. The list values are then placed within the square brackets. So these would be valid lists in JSON:

[1, 2, 3]
["a", "b", "c"]

In this case we'll be creating a list that contains exactly one JSON object as we have only one sequence. So the value of sequences is this list with one object (the curly braces):

    "@type": "sc:Sequence"

A sequence can have several other properties including its own label meant to distinguish it from other sequences. In this case we'll keep it simple for now. In the next section we'll fill in this object a bit further.

Manifest with Sequence

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "sc:Manifest",
  "@id": "http://localhost:3000/manifest.json",
  "label": "Papillons",
  "description": "Four patterns inspired by butterflies.",
  "attribution": "Special Collections Research Center at NCSU Libraries",
  "logo": "http://localhost:3000/logo.jpg",
  "sequences": [
      "@type": "sc:Sequence"
Last modified by Jason Ronallo 2018-02-11 21:59:56
Created by Jason Ronallo 2017-08-22 21:01:27

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    No results matching ""